A clean theme especially suited for labeled bar charts or Cleveland dot plots. Designed based on the DIN family of fonts, but now defaults to font "Roboto Condensed". This defaults to base_family = "roboto", which depends on a) using showtext and sysfonts to get a font called "roboto", or b) already having a font loaded with this name. Use sysfonts::font_add_google or sysfonts::font_add to set a different font.

  base_size = 14,
  base_family = "roboto",
  xgrid = FALSE,
  ygrid = TRUE,
  fallback_google = TRUE



Base font size


Base font family; defaults to "roboto", as set by showtext


A logical for turning x-grid on or off, or "dotted", for a light dotted grid


A logical for turning y-grid on or off, or "dotted", for a light dotted grid


Logical: if TRUE and base_family not currently loaded, will load Roboto Condensed from Google. If FALSE, will load system sans font. Defaults TRUE.